Sportswalls is a low cost, little to no maintenance way to create a space to play volleyball, tennis, nets games+ without needing to carry heavy equipment to play!
Great asset for students and the local community to use to get active
School Teams
Practice makes perfect!
Sportswalls are a great practice tool for anyone looking to work on their skills; solo or in a small group
Recess Games
Volleyball, foot hockey and more games kids can play off the walls??
Yes please!
Intramural Sports With Sportswalls
Use Sportswalls for 2v2 vball, 3 on 3 foot hockey or tennis intramural games.
Tag and show us how you #GETACTIVEnPLAY
Get Active Math Classes
Spice math class up with fun math physical activity games/challenges using Sportswalls and number courts
Outdoor Gym Class
Use your Sportswalls to teach tennis, volleyball outdoors!
Community Use
An active community is a safe community. Use your local Sportswalls to run community rec pick up leagues, learn2play games and more